ABC Design Communication

Συνταγματάρχου Δαβάκη 15, Πεύκη 151 21, Ελλάδα

Design Agency: ABC Design communication
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Frezyderm
Location: Athens, Greece
Packaging Contents: Pharmaceutical Toothpaste

Our aim in this project was to design a unique packaging for a series of innovative products. Frezyderm’s toothpaste products comes with 9 different types, that cover a wide range of oral conditions as well as general conditions like diabetes or pregnancy. Also, the tube is specially designed to protect the content efficiently and with a simple mechanism it allows the consumer to use all of the content.

It was clear to us that this was a very special product that needed a special touch on the packaging.

What’s Unique?
The approach was to keep a very simple and clean graphic design, and to use a glitter printing technique that covers the word toothpaste, different color in every different product. Awarded gold in innovation packaging awards 2016.