Cruzo – flavoured chocolate


My purpose for the project was to create a series of packaging for flavored chocolates in a modern vintage style, a style that is now becoming more and more popular in fashion and interior design.

I was inspired by the art of Will Cotton (who creates paintings in the Candyland style) and the characteristics of the Victorian era, whether it’s typography or graphic elements.

In addition, each package’s main illustrations reflect natural places: mountains, canyons, waterfalls, etc. Each of the compositions was created with the gradient theme, which has been trending for a long time – I started in such a way as to bring out the impression of depth in the illustrations. The whole, by referring to the vintage style, is supposed to evoke a sense of nostalgia in the consumer. From a marketing point of view, this move allows for better sales results by taking the recipient, for example, to the times of his youth.


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