Nyssos flavoured olive oil

ABC Design Communication

Συνταγματάρχου Δαβάκη 15, Πεύκη 151 21, Ελλάδα

Nyssos company has a long tradition in olive oil and its main goal in recent decades is the tourist market. Wanting to increase the range of its products, it created a new series of packages of flavoured. The challenge was to create packages that would win over the visitor-tourist to acquire and taste a range of six different flavored olive oils from aromatic plants, spices and citrus fruits.

The idea was based on the image and the way the oil is flavored with the ingredients it contains such as: garlic, basil, lemon, orange, truffle, chili. With the images of aromatics immersed in pure olive oils and taking advantage of the metal packaging, we visualized the purity of the olive oil giving the feeling of a transparent packaging.

The printing was done in metal packaging both to ensure the quality of the product and for its easy transport. The image of the aromatic ingredients that are immersed in the olive oil as well as the color bar that defines each taste create a complete series that wins a place in the products that characterize the Greek nutritional philosophy.