Derrick Lin


Agency: Wolff Olins
Artwork: CATK
Senior Marketing Manager, Microsoft: Robyn Yoder
Creative Director, Windows Brand Group, Microsoft: Phil Evans
Executive Creative Director, Wolff Olins: Todd Simmons
Design Director, Wolff Olins: Michael Ciancio
Art Director, Wolff Olins: Eric Wrenn
Production Director, Wolff Olins: Kris Pelletier
Account Director, Wolff Olins: Erica Garvey
Creative Direction: WONY & CATK
Country: United States

Microsoft and Wolff Olins commissioned CATK to develop a set of artworks for the packaging of Windows 8. The new Microsoft flagship product is a huge paradigm shift for computer operating systems: groundbreaking, intuitive, vibrant and lively.

To capture this spirit, and to give an outlook onto Windows 8’s world of endless possibilities, we provided a large number of different and unique images which encase the new product.