Derrick Lin


Agency: Matt Erickson
Production / Client: Relations Ambient Inks
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Bohica Products
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Packaging Contents: Beard Oil
Packaging Materials: Aluminum, Paper

Bohica Products was the brainchild of a Marine veteran living in Wisconsin. The motivation behind the creation of Bohica was to offer American-made, high quality products that embody the ideals of American patriots and the freedoms we enjoy every day.

The brand proved to hold quite a bit of potential. Super-patriotic veteran brands are a niche industry, where generally, the design is not necessarily a priority. Creating something considered and refined can rise above the noise and prove to be hugely disruptive in a loud, raw industry such as this one.

Strength and simplicity drives the thinking behind the Bohica brand. Beyond an initial identity system, a packaging system for a line of beard products, a custom typeface, apparel, collateral, an e-commerce site, and much more were considered and designed.

What’s Unique?
Bohica Products’ line of beard products is not only unique in its brand positioning, it is also disruptive in the industry through the use of restraint int he design. Beard products are not usually seen in Patriotic Veteran brands and the refined aesthetics push the brand apart from other brands within the industry.