Leva-te O Surf

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Derrick Lin


Agency: Can Design
Designer: Ana Lisa
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Ctt expresso
Location: Porto, Portugal
Packaging Materials: Card

We created a transport box for surfboards. The client is a express mail from Portugal. Surfboards have different sizes and shapes and are very fragile, they can break or get damaged in the transport.

So we had to create one box that could adapt to all. We created inside and outside systems that is adaptable and protect the transported board.

You have perforated sides so you can make the box smaller to make it the size of the board, and adaptable inside protections so you have it the same thickness as your board.

What’s Unique?
Normally when a client, a surfer wants to send a board he has to be the one to find a box or wrap him self the board. And it is not easy to find big boxes and slim boxes.

With this new transport offer, the client pays for the transport and gets the box for free.

This is a pioneer transport service and you can only find it in Portugal.