Asprey Creative

37 Freeman St, Fitzroy North VIC 3068, Australia

Design Agency: Asprey Creative
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Ah Cacao
Location: Designed in Australia / Manufactured and sold in Mexico
Packaging Contents: Energy bar
Packaging Materials: Paper and foil

As part of a complete brand refresh for Ah Cacao, a café and chocolateria chain in Mexico, Asprey Creative redesigned the packaging for their flagship product, the Kicao bar.

This remarkable product is about as natural as it gets, with each one being made with only 3 or 4 ingredients. It’s also about as authentic as it gets given that Ah Cacao is based on the Yucatan Peninsula and sources its cacao locally, from the very region where the Mayans first made chocolate some 1,800 years ago.

The identity and packaging captures the history, authenticity, naturalness and artisan quality of Kicao, borrowing a little bit of visual equity from traditional Mexican hand-painted signage.

What’s Unique?
This packaging differentiates the product from anything else available in Mexico. It simply and succinctly informs consumers of the naturalness and authenticity of the Kicao bar in a very artisanal, hand-drawn way which perfectly suits the Kicao bar and the Ah Cacao brand.

Asprey Creative

37 Freeman St, Fitzroy North VIC 3068, Australia