HERB (Student Project)

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Derrick Lin


Designer: Carolin Dufner
Project Type: Student Project
School: Stuttgart Media University
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Packaging Contents: All kinds of fresh and dried herbs
Packaging Materials: Cardboard

Herb is a packaging series meant to be used by farmers who are selling their freshly plucked or dried herbs at markets or in local stores.

It is less like a brand but more of a trademark for organic farming and high quality products.

The series is supposed to help vendors to present their product in an appealing way.

It consist of three different packages. A sleeve for fresh herbs, a small triangular pouch for dried herbs and a hexagon shaped, separable packaging that can contain different kinds of dried herbs.

What’s Unique?
Each kind of package from the series has it’s unique geometric shape, but together they look like a product family.

The unusual shapes of the packages are complemented by the clean and intuitive graphic design. The colored parts indicate where to rip open each packaging.