Design: Blindtiger Design
Project Type: Produced
Client: Diamond Knot Brewing Company
Location: Seattle
Packaging Contents: Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Aluminum
Printing Process: Direct Print
In their 25 year history, Diamond Knot Brewing Co. has developed a loyal following, two very successful brewpubs and a production brewery. During that quarter century the market was evolving, and their branding and packaging was not. Their visuals had become stale and ineffective while competitors were making updates that kept consumers and distributors excited. We relaunched the brand with packaging and brand visuals that modernized Diamond Knot, while also better communicating their brand story.
Clarity was also brought to the packaging. Beer naming conventions were established as existing beers were renamed and new offerings were created. The previously scattered lineup was made more cohesive. Can and bottles were decluttered to fit Diamond Knot’s no-nonsense consumers.