Design: Meng Fang Ho
Project Type: Student Project
School: Academy of Art University
Course: Packaging 2
Tutor: Christine George
Location: San Francisco
Packaging Contents: Medical Cannabis, Edibles, Cosmetic Products
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle, tin can, paper
Printing Process: Inject printing, gold rubdown

In this project, we created a new brand which related to the medical cannabis market, establishing a product series with multiple components. A high percentage of users of medical cannabis are aged 60 and above. In order to design a brand for the target audience, I created a cosmetic brand called “Cleo’s”. I also did research on its competitors, such as Altai, Kiva and Dixie Elixirs. Make the brand as complete to the reality of a medical cannabis company as possible.

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Evidence suggests that cannabis was present in Egypt since circa 3000 BP. Since an Egypt has almost a thousand years in both cannabis and cosmetics, I chose an Egypt theme style of the brand. Cleo’s name comes from Cleopatra VII. She is known for her brilliant beauty and charming voice. Cleo’s brings beauty into the brand personality. The complexity of the patterns broken back to this historical figure. The natural color palette was inspired by Egyptian ancient murals and relates to the color of cannabis as well. The gold rubdown catches people’s attention to Cleo’s logo and increases the figure’s readability. Applied Egyptian hieroglyphs on the background enhance the brand imagery.

The challenge of the project would be to position this medical cannabis product with other skincare or medical brands. The audience should able to recognize the products contain cannabis ingredients through the design of the packaging. Each ingredient and effect should be clearly organized on the packaging.