Derrick Lin


Design: Viktorija
Location: Lithuania
Project Type: Student Project
School: Shillington London
Packaging Contents: Hot Sauce
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper
Printing Process: Digital printing

Dragon Spit – 4 different sauces each of them spicier than one another. But there was no brand yet. The client’s request was to create an interesting backstory, name & visual identity for the luxury product that is targeting hipsters. This is why the legend was created about the spiciest sauce ever, called Dragon Spit.

The legend: “In the late medieval period, many sons and husbands were lost to battle. The wives and mothers of these men decided there should be a new way to find an alpha male who would lead the village. They sought the help of a local prophet who combined dragon saliva and scorpion sweat to create the hottest sauce in history. Any man who could take the heat shared great courage, strength, stamina, and wisdom. ” The man who could eat all 4 kinds of it – would rule the village. It is the most challenging sauce that is measuring your worth. Dare to taste it.

What’s Unique?
The unusual concept behind the hot sauce which could be scalable as a game “Who is the alpha?”. Also, the unique approaches to visualize the hot sauce with an unexpected color pallet and the box shape itself.