Design: Ferma Branding
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Client: Miratorg
Product Launch Location: Russia
Packaging Contents: Delicacies and food for cats and dogs with Black Angus meat
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic

The company Miratorg has launched a new product: delicacies and food for cats and dogs with Black Angus meat. Our task was to develop the positioning, name and design, which would place emphasis on the quality and large quantity of meat in the composition. We focused on the idea of owners’ care and love for their pets through the design. Pets always consider their owners as the best people and their love and loyalty have no equal. They are real winners.

An image of a hand stroking a pet is featured in the centre of the composition as a symbol of love and affection. One of the design peculiarities lies in the retouching and collage of the composition, so we could get the perfect picture since animals are very active and hard to catch in the frame as well as in the desired pose for the concept.

Product differentiation is achieved through the image of the animal and background colour.

A layout grid of technical data has been considered: the age and size of the pet are presented on a large printed box at the bottom of the packaging. This distinguishes the concept from market-based decisions.

The back of the packaging features icons describing the benefits of the product for the animal, so this can help the consumer decide