Differentiating each product from another while maintaining consistency.

Brand overview
Biocare is a Moroccan personal care brand for women between 18 to 40 years old who are looking for high-quality multi-purpose and organic products without any artificial ingredients for full-body, skin, and hair.

Research & Problems
During the research with my client, we found a fascinating gap: you can’t know the product’s ingredient by just passing by the shelf. Instead, to know a product’s ingredient, you have to pick up a product that looks the same as every competitor beside it and read through a noisy, confusing design to find out that the product you are holding doesn’t contain the ingredient you are looking for.

Challenges & Goals
The challenges and goals were to create a consistent product packaging design for organic products and make the buying process easy for consumers without distracting them with the noisy and unnecessary information that makes them confused.
SolutionWe created a modern, feminine, simple wordmark that makes the name readable, clear, and easy to be remembered and recognized in various selling points.

For the packaging part, we designed a consistent packaging design system by unifying the products’ layout so they can be recognized as being of the same brand, and to differentiate each product from another, we highlighted the product ingredient by using a photographed image of the variable ingredient and by changing the color so every product can stand out from the other products from the same line. Thus, the ingredient will be known before the consumer picks up the product from the shelf.

Another point to be mentioned, the client is just starting out and looking to add more ingredients to the line but can’t afford to hire a designer whenever she wants to add another product ingredient, so one of the goals and requirements was an easily editable form design to edit on her own whenever she wants to add a new ingredient without hiring a designer.


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