“Seed The Joy”
Packaging Design for Ugaoo, 2023
“Seed the Joy” was a Diwali (festival of lights ) campaign whose primary goal was to revolutionise traditional gifting during the festive season. Instead of conventional gifts, we aimed to inspire the customers and clients to sow the seeds of joy, prosperity, and health by choosing plants from Ugaoo.
While designing the packaging, my mission was to weave the narrative of “green gifting” into the cultural tapestry of a traditional Indian household during Diwali.
At its core, this packaging concept depicts a metaphorical representation of the revered Indian goddess Lakshmi, commonly worshipped during the Diwali festival. In the Hindu myth, it is said, on Dhanteras, the devas briefly form an alliance with the asuras to churn the ksheer sagar (ocean of milk) and bring to the surface the nectar of immortality (also known as amrit), through which the goddess Lakshmi emerges. The packaging, like this mythical churning, brings forth the abundance of joy, prosperity, and well-being symbolized by Ugaoo plants. It aims to align seamlessly with the age-old belief that worshiping goddess Lakshmi during Diwali ushers in wealth and prosperity.
What I hoped to set apart in this packaging is the integration of ancient mythology into a modern aesthetic, creating a visual narrative that bridges tradition and contemporary design. The magician archetype of the brand aims to subtly weave spells of enchantment, while the lover archetype fills the packaging with the warmth and affection associated with the Diwali festival.
In the entire visual narrative, I have aimed to portray a quintessential Indian household scene, carefully arranged and cordially connected by the presence of flourishing plants. This symbolism of greenery not only reflects the growth and abundance associated with Diwali but also signifies the nurturing aspect of the goddess Lakshmi.
Through this captivating packaging, I hoped to invite the recipient to immerse themselves in the spirit of Diwali, embracing the joy of growth and prosperity that this festival embodies, while also forming a deep connection with the brand’s identity and message.