Barczentewicz Brandy and Okowita

Motyw Studio

Warszawa, Polska

Packaging for the first two strong alcoholic beverages of Winnica Kamil Barczentewicz. The challenge was to create products even more highly regarded by consumers than the wines of this brand, while maintaining a consistent visual language with the wine labels.

The main element of the labels is asymmetrical, panoramic illustrations. They are intended to invite the consumer on a journey. Rotating the bottle and discovering the illustrations is part of the experience, allowing for the exploration of something new.

The illustrations are inspired by the landscape of the hills surrounding the vineyard. This is a continuation of the idea initiated on the wine labels, indicating that wine, and now also okowita and brandy, are the fruits of the terroir. The strong, contrasting colours bring to mind the vineyard environment, changing with the seasons. The applied copper hot-stamping is meant to emphasize the high quality of the products and to reference the corten steel posts in the vineyard.

With the use of limited expressive means, geometric, simple illustrations have created a new line of premium products. It is a part of a brand that already has an extensive line of wines in its portfolio but positioned even higher.

Photo: Anna Barczentewicz