Yuppy | Brand Identity | Food And Beverage



Yuppy – Fast food & convenience store is an ideal combination for active and youthful people, where you can take advantage of fast, delicious and convenient food. Yuppy not only focuses on providing fast – delicious – convenient food but also develops a friendly, dynamic and colorful space, providing a positive and vibrant living spirit for young people. From breakfast to dinner, from fried chicken to pizza, Yuppy is committed to bringing customers the most wonderful and convenient culinary experiences.


Brand mascot

Y (Young), U (Urban), P (Pro/Professional), PY (Happy)

Youthful and vibrant spirit are the core values ​​that Yuppy strives for. The brand is not only a place to create products for young people, but also a place to promote their creative spirit and enthusiasm.

Therefore, Cillgold has created a fictional character – PP – as the symbol of the brand’s lively spirit. PP is a lively and energetic boy who always brings joy and attracts everyone around him. With a chubby body in bright blue color, the highlight is his large round sparkling eyes, always radiating enthusiasm and happiness to everyone around.


The brand’s logo is designed with a simple, robust, and dynamic spirit, yet still retains a friendly and playful feel thanks to rounded details and the rhythmic flow of the font. With freely designed lines, it creates a natural and flexible feeling. The logo is optimized to attract attention from both near and far, making it easy to apply in various brand contexts.

Key Visual

Yuppy’s color palette is composed of vibrant and lively colors:

Milk White: Evokes a creamy sensation
Bright green: Brings a cool, refreshing feeling
Yellow cheese: Symbolizes warmth and dynamism
Fruity pink: Increases cuteness and friendliness
Spicy orange: Stimulates strong taste sensations, evoking appetite
Green lettuce: Symbolizes the cool green color of vegetables

In terms of Yuppy’s main visual elements, the most prominent point is the colorful round shapes, combined with overlapping lines to create a joyful and dynamic feeling. Additionally, Cillgold developed communication-oriented box elements that add color to both PP’s dialogue and the brand’s messaging.

Opening week schedule

Cillgold not only focused on building a brand identity for Yuppy but also developed special marketing plans for the weekly opening ceremony. This includes creating exclusive products and designing daily promotional social media posts to create awareness and attract a large number of customers interested in the brand.