Av. Ciclista Mariano Rojas, 76, quinta planta, 30009 Murcia, España

Medical device with innovative sensory design

This innovative device in applied neuroscience allows for the early diagnosis of diseases like Alzheimer’s and ADHD in children. Its unique packaging in the medical sector reflects the product’s functionality and offers an attractive sensory experience with a translucent design that combines aesthetics and functionality.

The packaging design invites a deep exploration of the brain, highlighting Newmanbrain’s importance in the market. The shape and materials of the packaging evoke the brain, providing a pleasant sensory experience and reusability, reflecting a commitment to sustainability and innovation.

This innovation transforms the user experience, creating an emotional connection and a friendly environment during diagnosis. Additionally, it repurposes protective elements into functional products, offering a more relaxed experience for doctors and patients.

Manufacturing combines precision and art, using premium materials and advanced technology to ensure quality and durability. Each component undergoes strict quality control to meet the highest performance and safety standards.

The distinctive packaging transforms the diagnostic experience into an opportunity for exploration and emotional connection, significantly improving healthcare. It reflects Newmanbrain’s importance and commitment to sustainability, demonstrating a significant improvement in early medical diagnosis and healthcare.



Av. Ciclista Mariano Rojas, 76, quinta planta, 30009 Murcia, España