I need help with the project description

Most of the time, a design does not need a word to explain the concept behind it. However, in order for our readers to have a deeper understanding of your project, provide us with a more detailed description of the project. Our readers would love to know more about the project.

Here are some of the points to help you with writing –

  1. What is this product about?
  2. What is the concept behind the packaging design?
  3. Solution
  4. The technique used to design the packaging
  5. What is unique about your packaging design?
  6. The results

Example from Nine – Architecture Without Boundaries by BackBone Branding [link]

This is the most exemplary project, where we were approached by an architecture company to create a private label for a self-promotional event, meanwhile, we were the ones to suggest a product. So we suggested wine. Why wine?

Because architecture and wine are conceptually and physically incompatible. So we came up with a stereotype-breaking solution, the same way the architect breaks the stereotypes each time by creating unprecedented sculptures and architectural structures in an absolutely limitless and unconfined dimension of architecture.

So as an architect needs to break the stereotypes each time in order to set a new bar in solving architectural problems, we dared to place an architectural construction on a cylinder-type bottle, which is the prototype of skyscrapers and architectural structures that rise up from the globe, the surface of which is not at all flat and even. In the meantime that is not just an architectural structure: these are 2 geometric shapes that form the logo “9” of the company from the above perspective. The label is presented as a layout.

This creates a tremendous visual and psychological expression, which we have tried to pass by this design. As an outcome, we managed to minimize a whole building into a bottle of wine, bestow it with a functional feature and create an exceptional design that once seen, can never be forgotten, as a remarkable architectural monument or a nearly perfect wine.