Koivulan Kotijuustola

Mint Station

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Design: Mint Station
Location: Netherlands
Project Type: Produced
Client: Koivulan Kotijuustola
Product Launch Location: Finland
Packaging Contents: Milk products
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper

Rebranding of milk product packaging for Koivulan Kotijuustola. Koivulan Kotijuustola is a family run business specialised in producing different milk products from the milk of their own dairy farm in Muhos, Northern Finland. The goal was to keep the designs generic, but distinctive and to reflect the warmth of the family business without losing the professional look. The task included designs for 3 Tetra packs and one product label (2 milk Tertapacks, 1 sweet cheese soup Tetra pack & 1 matching label).