Green Vision Eco Organics is a brand that works with local agriculture and farmers to heal and revitalise farming systems and practices.
The GreenVision logo is a combination of the triskele and the tree of life – an observation of the fractals and patterns present in the micro and macro phenomenon of nature. It is framed by the four cardinal points, that represent the spread of seeds of thought.
The characters of the nature spirits add an illustrated element to the brand language. These represent the Yin and Yang of nature and its mystical quality. One represents the self-aware grandeur of nature and its pulsating energy which manifests in the waves, ebb and flow of the different parts of the illustration. It balances the hard, soft, animated and non animated parts of nature together as a unified ecosystem. The other is the mysterious and multilayered quality of nature that unfolds slowly. It branches outward to show the interconnectedness and abundance of the earth. Draped in the night sky and lush greenery, it reminds one of the deep rainforests and undiscovered parts of the universe where only the consciousness has traveled.