
Москва, Россия

Creative Agency: Ohmybrand branding studio
Nadie Parshina – creative director
Ksenia Zheglaya and Irina Zaitseva (wtpack.ru) – creative strategy
Marina Malygina – designer
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Banka. Laboratory of taste
Location: Russia

Redesign of the packaging for homemade marmalade “Banka. Laboratory of taste”

For more than two years Natalia Kondrashova’s company has been making marmalade without preservatives and dyes – and the pastry chef has something to brag about. The names of 16 unordinary fresh flavors sound like a song. It is hard to refuse to taste gourmet marmalade made of pepper or chocolate covered cherries.

The Ohmybrand team has found inspiration in the manual production and, consequently, the highest quality of the product. Future brand strategy has also been taken into account – this design was to become the reference point for the corporate identity and had to allow adding other product categories.

Just as Chanel in the fashion world, the “Banka. Laboratory of taste” becomes an insider on the Russian food market. The charisma of a fashion boutique that is congenial to this brand is shown using visual simplicity and a well-organized system of tastes that is reflected in the design.

Jars with numbers for each sort of marmalade make it easy to navigate in the range of products as well as show how exclusive the product is. And that claim is more than justifiable! On the Russian market the product has no competitors at all: there is no marmalade of that type, only jam. This is why “Banka. Laboratory of taste” does not need additional decorations: only handmade, only natural, nothing more.
The design fully meets the manufacturer’s plans: in the future, when the company starts to expand the range of products, new items will naturally take place in the system of products assortment.

Only very cool products can afford the simplest form. “Banka. Laboratory of taste” does not flirt with the consumer, it simply makes perfect marmalade. Ohmybrand has only found for this marmalade a perfect framing.

The Unique Points Of The Packaging: New approach, unusual for this category in Russia


Москва, Россия