Redesign of the Pyaterochka Cafe’s Private Label


Москва, Россия

The agency has been tasked with improving the packaging design for Pyaterochka Cafe’s ready-meal in order to differentiate them from other brands on the market. The goal is to increase the ease of use by improving color coding and making food images on the labels more appealing to help customers navigate the shelves more easily. In addition, we must preserve the brand’s core values, such as freshness, quality, affordability, and deliciousness, in our communication. Ohmybrand has developed 8 SKU’s and a new style implementation guideline.



Москва, Россия
Creative Director: Nadezhda Parshina
Lead Designer: Alya Zaripova
Designer: Anastasia Panarina
Project Manager: Marina Tikhonova
Photographer : Alena Sinitsyna
Assistant: Anastasia Panarina
Retouching: Danil Volozhanin
Process Management : Alexandra Pershina