Sorvetes Caramello ice cream



I believe that the world is small and accessible to all tastes, quality products and services are for everyone wherever they are, technology has leveled the world in terms of quality, with everything, individual talent is unique and unique to each individual. Caramello is an ice cream factory based in Boa Vista in the state of Roraima, and with the talent of its owner, believe me, it is manufacturing extruded ice cream on a stick with mastery. In 2020 I was asked to develop the line brand and the entire visual programming of the packages. Among all the names found with criteria of: sound, writing and robustness, which reflected the quality of the product, and of course, availability for trademark registration, I arrived at BIG MAX; a name that reflects very well the visual and tasting quality of the product.

In addition, it was marked out in terms of the market target: age and social class of consumption, therefore, the packaging received a finish with metallic film, where greater graphic interaction was sought, interspersed between opaque and metallic tones, thus achieving a sophistication in the presentation of the product, and in a certain way it conceptually shows its qualities.
In the composition of the piece, all the popsicle images used were illustrated in photoshop. Today, BIG MAX is a consolidated brand, which gives Caramello great satisfaction. It is a sales success, so I am convinced that all cohesive efforts applied with affection and professionalism are doomed to success.


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Criação:: Fco. Marcião
Cliente:: Sorvetes Caramello
Aprovação:: Cleudo
Ferramentas de edição:: Corel Draw - Photoshop - Cinema 4D
Sorvetes Caramello