Pukkel restaurant and Capazo Snacking store commissioned us to design trays for the restaurant. When diners decided to enjoy a cocktail from the restaurant, the drinks would be accompanied by some Capazo Snacking handmade jelly beans. The container on which they would be served would be these tongues that make a nod to an element present in both brands.

Curator’s Insight

Imagine: sipping a handcrafted cocktail at Pukkel restaurant, when suddenly, a playful surprise arrives alongside it. These tongue-shaped servers become miniature conversation starters, prompting questions about the shared branding element and adding a memorable touch to the dining experience.


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Designer : Paola Coiduras Piedrafita
3D Design: Uniqo Custom Engineering
Mold production: Alfredo Bueno Moldes
Creative Director: Eric Novo García
Photographer: Fiero Estudio
Pukkel + Capazo Snacking