Soulful Fine Robusta 2024


With the relaunch of the Soulful Collection, Soul Fine Robusta introduces the new name “SOULFUL” to its loyal consumers, signifying a fresh chapter for this esteemed product brand. The new key products under the SOULFUL banner are distinguished by their unique label designs, crafted with meticulous care and creativity. Each key visual or illustration is hand-drawn with color pencils, capturing the essence and artistry behind the brand. The process begins with detailed hand drawings, which are then photographed to ensure high-quality transfer onto the labels.

The collection features four distinct illustrations, each representing a different type of coffee: Vietnamese Phin, Espresso, Cold Brew, and Brewing. These visuals narrate the story of the intricate process of planting, nurturing, and harvesting fine Robusta coffee beans, while also paying tribute to the rich culture and vibrant people of the Central Highlands of Vietnam, the birthplace of Soul Fine Robusta. The Vietnamese Phin illustration, set in a red tone, depicts coffee farmers picking and collecting ripe coffee cherries, capturing the essence of the harvest season. The Espresso design, in a yellow tone, shows farmers diligently drying the coffee beans, emphasizing the crucial post-harvest process. The Cold Brew visual, in a blue tone, features an elephant, a familiar and beloved symbol of life in the Highlands. Lastly, the Brewing illustration, in a green tone, portrays traditional Cồng-Chiên dancing, celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the Highland people.

This thoughtful design not only enhances the product’s aesthetic appeal but also deepens the connection between the consumer and the origin of their cherished coffee. Each label tells a story, making every cup of Soul Fine Robusta a journey back to the highlands of Vietnam, where our fine Robusta beans are lovingly grown, harvested, and crafted. Through these designs, we aim to bring the soulful journey of SOUL coffee to life, celebrating the traditions, culture, and dedication of the people who make it all possible.