Agency: Box Brand Design
Photography: Ariom Leung
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: iMorer
Location: Hong Kong

An interdisciplinary team of box faced the exciting mission of understanding e-commerce in terms of fresh flowers & plants. Considering the fanatic growth that online selling and shopping happens in China, our challenge was make a new brand that stands out of thousands of similar florist brand and fundamentally, to be able to transmit a clear promise.

Imorer has an advantage in potted plant sales and hope to pull up the sales of fresh flower. We came up the idea of 1+1 more than 2 by combining potted plants, which representing everlasting company, and fresh flower, that seize the attention of dramatic love, together as a bundled product. By adding more values to Imorer, we assist our client to develop a wechat message platform including upload your intimate video or message to your beloved receiver. The whole brand image is wrapped up by a Shanghai retro atmosphere delivering romance&love in every detail.

  1. awesome concepts for some of these products! and the brand is extended really well! great job! you are going places!

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