Phúc, Lộc, Hoà Ca A – Gift of Harmony, Prosperity, and Abundance

InSpace Creative

Phúc, Lộc, Hòa Ca is a special gift set from Chateau Dalat, delivering a heartfelt message of harmony, prosperity, and abundance. This collection is not just a refined present but also a sincere wish for happiness and fulfillment for its recipient.

The highlight of Phúc, Lộc, Hòa Ca is a vibrant, dynamic artwork that embodies balance and harmony through distinctive symbolic elements. The artwork is divided into three sections, each corresponding to a wine label, with its own unique meaning:

  • Phúc – Chateau Dalat Light Sauvignon Blanc. Abundant and fortunate like a thriving grapevine reaching for the sun.
  • Lộc – Vivazz Sangria Light Pink. Prosperous and proud like a majestic golden deer.
  • Hòa – Chateau Dalat Demisec Red Wine. Balanced and serene like a gracefully soaring crane.

The Phúc, Lộc, Hòa Ca gift set not only elevates the wine experience but also spreads meaningful values, making it a perfect choice for special occasions.


InSpace Creative

Creative Director: Sanh Nguyen
Art Director: Yeni Tuong
Creative Designer: Vi Le
Creative Designer: Zahy
Creative Designer: Rella Lem
Photography: Pey Nguyen
Project Manager: Trang Ho