Introducing the newest Egyptian nail supplies brand. Runway offers both regular and breathable nail polish for the first time in Egypt. We’re nailing it . After the long wait, we bring you the newest Egyptian Breathable nail polish brand, Runway.
Runway comes to you with a huge product line in the making, but initially presents a breathable nail polish that permits air, and water, and is healthy for the nails. And the normal nail polish that we already use in our daily lives. Both have extremely fine qualities such as: The longest stay on your nails, the highest shine for a glamorous look, the fast drying for the on-the-go lifestyles, and leaves no after effect over your beautiful nails.
All these unique qualities at a reasonable price. Our color variation makes us quite the trendsetter in today’s market. The nail polish is offered in an array of unique colors which inspire each woman and match her very own style.