In the bustling city of Kurashiki Okayama, Japan, sisters Yumi and Hito grew tired of their mundane jobs.
One day, they shared a daring idea: starting a bakery. Driven by passion, they bid farewell to their old careers. With savings and unwavering determination, they opened “bakery two.” Early mornings became their routine as flour danced in the air. Yumi’s artistic flair crafted delightful pastries and OSOUZAI bread, while Hito’s precision ensured perfection. Locals were drawn to the bakery’s warmth and the sisters’ genuine smiles.
Our brief was to create an identity that reflects their personality such as Yumi who is very playful, easy going and helps to make Osouzai pan, and Hito who is the perfectionist and in charge of the quality of the breads that are sold in the bakery. So we decided to illustrate these two characters as center pieces in the identity. Incorporating a mascot into your bakery’s identity can be a fun and effective way to connect with customers, strengthen your branding, and create a unique and recognizable presence in the local market.
We portrayed what their daily job look like and used them in the different touch points.Incorporating yellow and black into a bakery’s identity can create a visually striking and emotionally appealing brand that sets the establishment apart and leaves a lasting impression on customers. The tone of voice we wanted to be fun and playful, and also show how these sisters play hip-hop in the bakery, so we were inspired by these famous lyrics.