Project carried out together with Keepdoing, a production agency with whom we developed the packaging design and all the graphics.
Nordés is one of the most recognised gins in Spain. From the beginning, the brand has reflected its origins in Galicia, a part of Spain that has a strong commitment to the sea, with its own architecture and deep-rooted traditions, in all its products and publications.
The challenge was to capture in the format of an Advent pack a design that expressed the brand image and that had valuable content in each box. We created a graphic based on the Sargadelos ceramics, typical of the area, making symbols with animals, traditions, architecture or musical instruments from Galicia and each element would be used for each of the boxes.
The result is a packaging to give as a gift or enjoy and that, at every moment, and with every sip of gin, reminds you of Galicia in a natural and original way.The elements are made by local artisans, thus strengthening the commitment to the origin of the brand.