Created in 1948 by Mr. M. Atia, the Viceroy trademark has become the standard of high quality spices for several generations of Australians for more than 70 years of successful existence. The production and trading company is constantly improving processing technology, increasing the range and developing partnerships around the world.
In an effort to meet the growing demand in 2022, production was launched in plastic containers containing spices weighing from 100 to 1300 grams. The packaging is targeted at coffee, restaurants and catering outlets.
Work was carried out to improve the graphic style of TM and add the phrase “For chefs” to it. A laconic and easy-to-perceive design solution allowed us to focus on the trademark and visual illustrations of seasonings, spices, herbs and spices, specially drawn for this project.
To create a single, recognizable image, the range of 46 SKUs was combined with a common compositional and color scheme. Easy-to-read icons specifying the benefits and features of the product, combined with a simple but beautiful font used for the name, gave the package a strict and at the same time attractive look.