Shoair Studio

Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

AlDomiatty – Egypt – 2022 AlDomiatty Cheese was founded in 1989, it started with 2 types of cheese & quickly gained the trust of the local people of Damietta & many other cities. However, the brand has always faced major challenges regarding its brand communication & expression. For more than 6 months, a team of strategists, designers & photographers worked on the rebranding of AlDomaitty from scratch.

Process & Results
Researching the market & competitors & analyzing existing brands. We found that we can take out some key elements from it & build a new brand about it.
We started by redesigning the logo & the brand identity. The redesigned logo and identity used similar elements &colors from the old logos, so the brand can always still feel the same. We designed a brand that looks modern, fresh, and organic.

Visual Identity
Understanding the user journey & the business needs, it was clear that the brand has 4 main identity collaterals. Products, Digital Collaterals, Offline Collaterals& Corporate Collaterals.

We went on trying different logo iterations over the course of a few weeks, putting in mind that we needed to keep the spirit of the brand while also having a modern logo redesign.


The products are the most important touchpoints. For the Domaity brand to grow, it must succeed in terms of sales. Sales depend on how identifiable & unique the products stand on the shelf. It takes 3 seconds for packaging to take the attention of a customer. We decided that the packaging must include photography that shows the quality of the dairy products & reflects freshness & good taste.

We collaborated with a professional food photographer & a food stylist to deliver the photos used in the packaging. Then we redesigned the packaging, giving a variety of colors to the variety of products AlDomiaty has, making sure that each & every design reflects the freshness & pride of the Domiat origin.