Top Five Brewery – Branding and Packaging Concept


McLean, VA, USA

Five beers brewed by a local brewery all have their own mood and scene represented with their own illustration. Get yourself the matching beer to the situation you’re in and enjoy the rich tastes!

Who doesn’t like to open a cold one while waiting to be miles up in the sky in the airport lounge, or have a sip while waiting for the sausages to be done, when your favorite esports team is playing a final match, or you’re back from work ready to hit the shower, and our favorite; when you tried to land a skateboard trick too many times and got injured mildly!

The scenes and situations for the five beers are illustrated to be used on their cans, while the typography and branding is kept simple to emphasise the artwork.


McLean, VA, USA
Brand Designer - Visual Designer: Lal Yetki
Top Five Brewery