A range of natural fruit juices and preserves. moletor operates from the rich, fertile Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. For the past 15 years the brand has carefully produced farm fresh juices and jams from locally sourced fruits. Rice Creative was invited by moletor to rebrand the corporation as well as their full range of products. Our objective was to showcase the brands core difference; their dedication to preservative-free locally made natural products. This would support moletor in competing with an array of foreign products currently dominating the market. It’s all about moletor . ….. The rebrand helped moletor tell their story, and jump off of shelves through a vibrant color and icon system derived from the tropical fruits and plants of the Mekong Delta. The full range of products billboard into a bold, eye-catching spectrum. Accompanying carefully crafted custom tropical icons, our studio developed a juicy hand-drawn script for each product name. While the majority of the packaging gives the brand well qualified look of expertise, the script helps the brand communicate it’s hands-on approach. The results of the rebranding have proven successful as the brand is not only taken more seriously, but it is one that marketers also love to give prominent space to. moletor has gone on to enter previously inaccessible retail environments.