FLOW is a team of roasters that deals with specialty coffee beans.
The main idea of FLOW is to stop ‘preparing’ the audience for a complex product but to make a complex product simple for a wider audience. Remove all additional information from the pack, leaving only the essential basics. “We don’t want to beat around the product, we want to focus on a customer,” says the owner of the company.
Of the three proposed concepts, the client has chosen the third one, with funny bright characters. We have developed the idea into a full-fledged system: we drew a whole range of characters and came up with a system of taglines.
Together with the client, we invented and developed the idea of an additional touch point on the package: a ‘window’ with a tear-off pad. On each box under the illustration, there is an inscription ‘catch the flow’, under which the continuation of the phrase is hidden: ‘… of the starlight’, ‘… of the summer breeze’, ‘… of inspiration’. Each character has their own flow of something marvelous.
The idea of the flow is supported and integrated with a manifest by the FLOW company, where they explain what a flow actually is. The manifest is eloquent and written in such a manner so it resembles a prose poem more than a simple ‘company bio’.