Thalia was born in Greece to Zeus, king of the gods, and Mnemosyne, the personification of thought, intellect and memory, and the Mother of the arts. She is the eighth of the nine Muses, the deities that inspired artists to create.
She is the goddess of comedy, poetry, and festivity. She is the one who inspired laughter to emanate from Greek theatres. To the ancient Greek philosophers, she was the inspiration for their symposiums where they drank wine, listened and danced to music, debated, recited poetry and revelled the night away.
She is our wine’s muse. She embodies our wine born of ancient Greek lands and carries in its genes the fermentations of inspired generations. THALIA is every woman.
Today, Thalia wines are best enjoyed amongst friends and loved ones, in person or virtually, where we subconsciously desire to recreate the ancient gatherings about enjoying each other’s company, thoughts and laughter.
We needed to tap into the original Greek roots of this brand and bring forward a label design that would appeal to a younger demographic without alienating their older loyal customers. The website was also updated to have a more modern design that suited the clean, elegant design of the label.