Asian Fine Food Spice Blends – Thai

Ann Suet Wei

Design by: Ann Suet Wei
Location: Malaysia
Project Type: Student Project
School: Dasein Academy of Art
Course: Diploma in Graphic Design
Tutor: Ms. Low Poh Li
Packaging Contents: Spice Blend

Creating Asian Fine Food Spice Blends with a focus on Thailand’s diverse and flavorful cuisine, particularly from sour to spicy flavors, is a fantastic concept that can cater to food enthusiasts seeking authentic tastes. Choosing eco-friendly packaging materials like artcard and Finland paper aligns well with the principles of sustainability and the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and contributes to a cleaner environment and minimizing waste. Thai floral garland band used to cover the packaging symbolize as a decorative item for gift and events showcasing the beauty of Thai craftsmanship and artistic traditions. Besides that, the slogan: Unlock the secret to blessed dining effectively communicates the idea that the enjoying delicious food; it’s about experiencing a fusion of flavor.