Real de Asúa / CVNE


Real de Asúa was born in 1994 as a tribute to the founders of the Compañía Vinícola del Norte de España: the brothers Eusebio and Raimundo Real de Asúa, who, probably without knowing it, sealed the infinite meeting between Haro and Bilbao, where they came from.

Real de Asúa is therefore both a wine and a tribute. As a wine, it is made with grapes selected from Villalba’s own vineyards, specifically from the Carromaza estate, with its evocative name and remarkable altitude.

As a tribute, Real de Asúa is the link between two moments that are almost 150 years apart, a number that will only increase with the inexorable passage of time. The passage of time, the road travelled and the emotional bond represented by three coats of arms. One in the centre, that of the winery itself, and two on either side, those of Bilbao and Haro. It all means something. Everything fits.

Real de Asúa is a wine and a homage. Two concepts united by time.

What time has united

Few products have such a direct and complex relationship with time as the world of wine. Bottled time is one of the most poetic references in the definition of what a good wine can be, with the intention of transcending it. The resources of the design world to capture an exact moment in the life of something will surely be infinite, but that was not the point here. Because the three coats of arms represent at once a moment, a space and a movement. Which by definition is… a journey through time.