Ledo Macho has been a beloved household name in the CEE region for decades, boasting a rich legacy of delivering delectable ice cream experiences. However, recognizing the evolving tastes and preferences of a younger audience, we embarked on a mission to rejuvenate the brand’s image while preserving the cherished essence of Macho. Our goal was to infuse the packaging with a fresh, contemporary appeal that exudes intricacy, playfulness, and attention to detail. Each time you indulge in a Macho, we wanted the experience to be akin to unwrapping a delightful surprise, with intricate designs revealing themselves with every glance. By revitalizing the look and feel of Macho, we aimed to forge a deeper connection with the younger generation while maintaining the authenticity and charm that has made Macho a timeless favorite.



Creative Director : Tonci Klaric
Art Director : Neven Crljenak
Project Manager : Ines Matulic
Marketing Development Manager : Krunoslav Stancic
Illustrator : Dejan Kralj
LEDO / Frikom