Herby’s: Essential Oil Natural Packaging

Ágota Habony


Our school assignment involved designing a new, natural packaging for a chosen Hungarian essential oil manufacturing company with three distinct scents, alongside reimagining the company’s logo. My choice fell on a company named “Herby’s,” who are dedicated to the production of 100% pure essential oils and place special emphasis on manufacturing BIO products.


The created logo combines the original “Herby’s” logo’s plant leaf and conveys the friendly atmosphere of the existing brand, while deliberately directing attention. Sustainability, immediate recognition of handmade craftsmanship, and biodegradability were crucial aspects. Therefore, after months of experimentation and research, I created a printable handmade paper for the external surface of the packaging, using recycled paper and fallen leaves, subtly referencing the autumn theme. Additionally, I hand-drew all the illustrations portraying the package’s contents and added leaf prints inside to evoke the essence of autumn. Regarding its content, I categorized the company’s marketed essential oils for different age groups based on their effects and created three seasons based on that, each represented by a distinct package. The autumn package is named “vendémiaire,” containing essential oils, cinnamon lavender and mandarin, intended for middle-aged and elderly individuals. A similar packaging concept could be applied for summer (young adults) and spring (teenagers), where the paper can conceal summer and spring plants.


Overall, the packaging emphasizes handmade craftsmanship and moves towards natural alternatives.


Ágota Habony

Photo Retouching: Erzsébet Jámbor
Budapest Metropolitan University