L’Epoque Baroque

Maison Venkov

Bratislava, Slovakia

L’Epoque Baroque bottles designed for Maison L’Epoque.

The baroque shaped crest, built from the base of the bottle, embraces an emblem like shape created within the center of the bottle, housing the branding elements.

The aim was to create an iconic appearance, utilizing complex baroque elements.

The two versions of the bottle, smaller, regular 700 ml, and larger 1500 ml, illustrate the need for a different partial execution – in this case, the closure. The reason is two fold – higher tier version, apart from the size, needs an even more elevated approach. The other important aspect of a different closure is a matter of scale – the large version required a more complex approach, but this would be, in terms of size, an inappropriate solution for the small bottle. This is in fact, a lesson from sculpting. The object, with all its elements, works well only in a certain size. If the size changes, the internal scaling of proportions has to change as well.