Sidekick Brewing launched the ultimate easy-drinking duo with their new Lite Lager and Lite IPA. Craft beer’s turn towards lighter session styles with lower ABVs offers a friendly access point for new craft drinkers and better flavour and quality for devoted craft fans.
Creative direction for light beers often looks to legacy beer design styles from the genre’s past – white space, spare, classic script fonts, and vaguely European references. We had to balance the need for these releases to be immediately recognizable as light craft beers in keeping with tradition while making something thoroughly contemporary and current.
We retained the white label for contrast and kept the “badge” motif of North American classic beers. We then shifted the focus to light beer’s main appeal – it’s light! Light as a paper airplane or a stream of bubbles racing up from your glass. Light-hearted, quirky typography that’s ready for a good time. A lightened up the beer style, missing two letters to read “Lite.” A straightforward take on straightforward beers ended up feeling fun and unbuttoned, like a party with the perfect vibe and volume.