Tan Jie Shen

Tualang honey is a type of honey that is native to Malaysia and comes from the Tualang tree (Koompassia excelsa). The Tualang tree is one of the tallest rainforest trees in Southeast Asia, and it can grow up to 88 meters in height. The honey produced by bees that gather nectar from the flowers of the Tualang tree is known for its unique properties and potential health benefits, The brand name is Premium Tualang Asli because Tualang honey has been known for Honey Hunter collects the honey during nighttime. The packaging features a Box Shape with a Gold Star, when u open it, it will show a sentence that is a traditional casting of the Honey Hunter. Before opening up it has a die-cut of the beehives and plants on it. The overall design is showed luxury and tradition to convey that Tualang honey is hard to get and very precious and important to the Aboriginals.