The Water Way Developments Christmas Advent Calendar brings the “5As of Christmas” to life with a daily countdown filled with heartfelt surprises. Each day is designed to foster Appreciation for small joys, Acceptance of the season’s warmth, and Affection shared with loved ones. Through little moments of Adventure and Amusement hidden behind each door, this advent calendar celebrates the true spirit of Christmas, inviting everyone to embrace the season one delightful day at a time.
Picturing the 5A buildings and how they are mainly windows and reflective areas, we began picturing how these windows would reflect the sky and the stars. Inspired by this imagery, the main focus of this concept will be the stars and the lights. The Christmas star is seen as a compass for guidance to people and even those who don’t celebrate Christmas understand that a bright star in the night sky is a symbol of the hope and expectation of new life during the darkest part of the year.
The outer box is inspired by the gift-giving experience, therefore the color red is utilized because it is often associated with gifts due to the wrapping paper. The color red with the gold accents is also used to set the tone of voice, connecting with the joy and warmth of the season.