Joost Identities


Design Agency: Joost Identities
Project Type: Commercial Work
Client: Nature’s Choice
Location: Netherlands

Rediscover Caring Traditions As Mother Nature intended.

This history goes back for thousands of years. Our ancestors didn’t have pills or daycrème to heal or protect themselves against the circumstances. People prepared blends of extracts coming from plants, herbs, flowers and oils. experimenting and discover. This knowledge and their traditions were passed on from one generation to the next.

It’s Treets mission to enrich these ancient old traditions with the knowledge we have today. We ensure that these traditions become accessible for everyone. We want people to rediscover these traditions, so they will not be forgotten.

The Unique Points Of The Packaging:
Result is a clear, colorful and loving brand. Caring, soft & smooth and indulgent. Sensory feel all over in texture and shape. There is still so much to tell. About the ingredients about our ancestors about the traditions. Our main goal to get the information clear and right balanced to the consumer so they get the story visually.