
Creative Agency: Studio 33
Designer: Leo Vinkovic
Illustrator: Mario Majkic
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Alexandar Wines
Location: Osijek, Croatia
Packaging Contents: Wine

Baranja is one of the most famous wine and gastronomic regions of Croatia, whose natural and cultural beauty get discovered by ever wider range of visitors year after year. In the wine culture of Baranja, Aleksandar Horvat’s winery is one of the youngest but also the most visible one. The visual identity of its label highlights the focus on the original central symbol – the owl. Representing the birds that live at night and rest during the day, the pictorial owl of Alexandar Winery makes their wines more approachable to the young, fun and carefree audience. The owl comes in five variations for the five types of wine: white Chardonnay and Rhine Riesling, red Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, and Rosé.