Creative Agency: Hired Guns Creative
Printer Westkey Graphics
Photography: Sean Fenzl
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Driftwood Brewery
Location: Nanaimo, Canada
Packaging Contents: Beer
Packaging Materials: Glass, vinyl
For our rebrand of Driftwood Brewery’s Clodhopper, a Belgian-style Dubbel with barley grown and malted locally by artisan maltster Mike Doehnel, we decided on a typographic approach with strong familial resemblance to Pilsner Doehnel and Blackstone Porter.
What’s Unique?
Bold, bright orange and a rich, syrupy red call on the big caramel characteristics of the barley malt. For an elegant finishing touch, the dieline takes its big curves and corners from the letterforms, particularly the long flowing scroll of the uppercase ‘C’.