Design: Funky Business Branding Agency
Art-director: Ilya Tumaikin
Designer: Sergey Ryadovoy
3D, retouch: Konstantin Simonov
Project manager: Valeria Borovkova
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Elian
Location: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Packaging Contents: Cosmetics
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Cardboard, plastic, glass
Printing Process: UV coating
Group of companies Elian — one of the largest manufacturers of cosmetics in Russia. Having won strong positions, the company decided to move on abroad.
Russian women are considered as one of the most beautiful in the world, so cosmetics with “Russian soul” has chance of success abroad. Especially Russian beauty is appreciated in countries of the Middle East and China. Therefore, Eliana chose these markets as a launching pad. The strategic beginning of the campaign was to participate in the grandiose exhibition of beauty products Beauty-World Middle East 2018 in Dubai. But before, it was necessary to prepare: develop new visual image of the brand, packaging, website, booklet and exhibition stand. All this work Elian decided to give to our agency.
Stylized traditional pattern on packaging of products Elian highlights the brand of other cosmetic brands and shows Russian character. All this combination with special printing method allow the target audience to perceive Elian as a premium brand.
We love a comprehensive approach, we also visualized the product, prepared CG-animation, developed website, booklet and stand for insertion.
This year Beautyworld Middle East 2018 was visited by more than 45 000 people, there will be exhibitors from all over the world. We are glad that now girls from other countries will be happy to use cosmetics with “Russian soul”.