Design: Fabula Branding
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Valeo Vita Company
Location: Minsk, Belarus
Packaging Contents: Tea
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Cardboard
Printing Process: Printing

Ded Kiprey (The Uncle Rosebay) brand developed by Fabula Branding was accepted well by the market, and the customer decided to broaden the range of products.

Our task was to bring to the shops new types of herbal teas: with rosehip and mint leaves, rosehip and melissa, ginger, hawthorn and apple, and marjoram and cowberry leaves. We had to make the products distinguishable while keeping the key elements of package design consistent.

In order to solve this problem, we decided to use brand-style illustrations imitating bright oil paintings. The new solution was based on already existing package design constants: a recognizable vintage logo and a brand character — a smart herbalist that collects the best samples of rosebay and makes them into a herbarium. The adaptation of the products within the range was supported by the use of brightly-coloured plates with additional information.