Roca – Cerveja de Corpo e Alma

Felipe Holman

Pelotas - RS, Brazil

Design: Felipe Holman
Location: Brazil
Project Type: Produced
Client: Roca – Cerveja de Corpo e Alma
Product Launch Location: Brazil
Packaging Contents: Craft Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass bottle and Paper Label
Printing Process: Offset

Roca is a microbrewery located in Pelotas – RS and produces very intense, aromatic and tasty craft beers. The brand’s concept is based in mystical elements and a kind of raw and handmade looking, taking care of every detail. My task was to create a very consistent and strong visual system for the brand and its products. For this reason, illustrations became the base of the project and each character represents the idea behind the recipe and sensations that each beer brings to the consumer.

Felipe Holman

Pelotas - RS, Brazil
Roca Craft Brewery